5 Benefits Of Scheduling Your Social Media Posts

We all know how important social media is for a business, but let’s face it, the daily struggle of creating good quality content, thinking of a catchy caption, deciding the best time to post etc etc is a STRUGGLE to say the least.

Scheduling your social media takes away this daily struggle, giving you time to prepare amazing quality content for your social media channels and prevents you having to result to ‘panic posting’ and posting something completely irrelevant...just for the sake of posting!

Below are 5 benefits to scheduling your social media posts in advance:

1. You can do a whole weeks worth of posts in one sitting!

If you’re on the fence about scheduling your social media posts, this is definitely up there as one of the best benefits of scheduling! If you are scheduling your posts in advance, you are planning them in advance. This means, you can plan the upcoming weeks posts, shoot/source the images, edit, write the captions and schedule them in one big batch! This not only saves you tons of time, but it will save you the stress of panicking daily about what to post which can often consume a huge chunk out of your day and result in you posting something irrelevant or of low quality.

2. It gives you time to perfect your caption!

The power of captions is often overlooked when posting to social media but truth is, the captions of an image are often what convert people from just looking to actually liking or engaging with your post! So, having time to really think about your caption, link it to any relevant red letter dates, decide on the hashtags you’re using, update any call to action links etc is incredibly valuable. After all, if you’re a business owner using social media to promote, the point of posting is to raise awareness and boost sales so posting a cliche, boring caption is pretty much useless. For tips on nailing your Instagram captions, read our previous blog post here. 

3. Maintain consistency across all your platforms

Quite often when life gets on top of us, it’s very common to push tasks such as posting to social media to the bottom of our do list. Although at the time this may not seem like a big issue, an inconsistent voice online is dangerous and can seriously damage a brand. Scheduling your posts in advance will allow you to make sure you are being consistent and posting good quality content across all platforms rather than forgetting to post or prioritising other tasks that seem more important at the time.

4. It will allow you to create a killer theme!

This one’s mainly for Instagram accounts, but scheduling allows you to plan it advance to see what your posts and feed is going to look like, before it’s been posted. Having a coherent theme on Instagram is a great way to boost followers and create a strong brand image. By using apps such as 'Mosaic' and 'Planoly', you can import your content you plan to post next week into the app, to see how these will look against your feed. If they look out of place, no problem you can simply tweak it or delete it and take another!

5. It gives you more time!

I think we can all agree that there just isn't enough time in the day, especially if you work for yourself. When scheduling your posts, you are saving a tremendous amount of time thinking of what to post/caption/hashtag, shooting, editing, logging in to post it blah blah blah. This frees up a lot of time every single day, which you can either spend doing something much more productive for your business like finding new clients OR spend more time with your family and friends!

For more tips on scheduling your social media posts or if you need help running your social media channels, social media management is our specialty! Get in touch, we’d love to hear from you! -   @lucyhitchcock_ @sassydigital


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